All In Ones

The award winning all-in-one pond solution.
Key Benefits Include:
All-in-one unit that combines a pump, filter and UVC that can be fully submerged
Pumps water around the pond increasing oxygen levels
Sieves out solid particles
Eliminates green water
Creates an attractive – fountain or waterfall
Easy installation with just one power cable
Clear water guarantee

Blagdon 5/6 in one

This complete in-pond solution includes a pump, filter, UV clarifier, LED spotlight and three attractive fountain feature heads. The filter contains effective mechanical and biological filtration to keep your water clean and healthy. The 5 W UV clarifier kills green water and algae. The fountain head options bring beauty to your pond and the LED spotlight brings your pond to life after dark.
Key Features 
Everything needed for a clear and healthy pond: combined efficient pump and filtration package
  Pump/filter includes: - 3 attractive fountain features - mechanical & biological filter - polymer wool cartridge
  Locking Handle doubles as a carry handle for easy removal from pond.
  Inlet Grills High surface area, ideal for general pond use. - UV clarifier
 Includes automatic night time LED spot light with pivoting feature

 Bermuda MultiPump
All in one pump, filter, UV and  LED lights
Colour Changing LED Lights

The Bermuda MultiPump combines a pump, mechanical and biological filtration and UVC in one compact, fully submersible unit. Capable of running a fountain and small water feature in small ponds at the same time, no additional filtration is necessary. LED lighting included for enhanced night time pond viewing.

Key Features
Built in 11 Watt UV clarifier to tackle green water
Sponges for mechanical filtration
Plastic and ceramic media for biological filtration
Colour changing LED lighting
Adjustable riser stem with bell jet or fountain head
Fountain flow control
Also available without LED lights

TripleAction Evolve

The TripleAction  Evolve from PondXpert is a perfect solution for ponds.
The pump has a powerful flow and boasts an UVC to combat green water problems.
This pump has an extensive filtration area to help suck up any dirt and debris from your pond.


Integrated UVC.
Adjustable flow control via T-piece (12-25mm).
Easy access filter bed.
Mixed filter media: large foam filter plus kaldness biomedia.
10m power cable.


All In Ones